
dart_board makes it easy to model the formation and evolution of binary stars. It acts as a statistical wrapper around rapid binary evolution codes.

This documentation will provide a guide to using our code, but for details on the statistical approach, some tests, and various applications, check out our paper.

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a basic example

To generate a population of high mass X-ray binaries (HMXB), use the following example

import numpy as np
import dart_board
import pybse

# Set up the sampler
pub = dart_board.DartBoard("HMXB",

# Initialize the walkers

# Run the sampler
pub.throw_darts(nburn=20000, nsteps=100000)

# Save the chains
np.save("HMXB_posterior_chains.npy", pub.chains)

getting started

You will want to start with the installation guide to get dart_board running. Until we have our quickstart tutorial completed, the documentation we provide below is probably the best way to learn how to use dart_board for your needs. For more concrete examples, we provide the source code used to generate all the examples and figures in our paper. If you have problems, feel free to label an issue.


Version 1.0.0 - Feb. 2018